Author Guidelines

Article Title Written in the Original Language of the Article

Written in Cambria Font 12 Pt, bold, 1 Space, All Bold and Capitalize Each World, Maximum 12 Words


The abstract is the main description of the entire content of the article. The abstract contains the components of the article briefly consisting of the problem being studied or the importance of the research topic; research methods; and results of discussions/research. 150-200 words long, no quotes and written in one paragraph. Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English. Equipped with keywords of 3-5 words → Abstract (12 pt single space). Written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English


This section contains the background that underlies why this research or study is important to carry out (research urgency), theoretical review, previous literature review which explains the statement of scientific novelty (novelty), and what contribution can be made to the results of these findings. This section is written a maximum of 20% of the body of the article. [Cambria 12, justified, 1.5 spaces]


The methods section contains research design, research subjects, instruments, time and place of research, data collection procedures, and data analysis as well as other matters related to research methods. In this section it is not necessary to explain in detail the methods used. This section is written a maximum of 10% of the body of the article. [Cambria 12, justified, 1.5 spaces]


The results and discussion sections contain a presentation of the analysis results related to the research questions. Each research result must be discussed. The discussion contains the meaning of the results and comparison with theories and/or similar research results.

If necessary, include tables, pictures or other illustrations, provide image files as attachments for sending your file. The contents of tables or images must be mentioned in the text sentence in the table using 1 space (single spaced). If the table contains data in the form of words or numbers, please use Cambria 11 pt. Check all the images in your article, make sure that the clarity, contrast and lighting of the images are of good quality and that the images are centered. This section is written a maximum of 60% of the body of the article. [Cambria 12, justified, 1.5 spaces]


This section is a summary of the research findings. Conclusions must be short, clear and concise, based on research findings and discussions, written in paragraph form (not numerical/numbers). This section is written a maximum of 10% of the body of the article. [Cambria 12, justified, 1.5 spaces]


Authors sometimes need to express their gratitude to people/groups of people/organizations/institutions for their support so that research can be carried out well


The number of bibliography/references in an article is a minimum of 15 sources, of which 80% of all references come from reputable national or international journal articles. Use reference applications such as Zotero, Mendeley, etc. for citations and bibliography in American Psychological Association (APA) format.